Posted on October 24th, 2014
We have just returned from running our detox retreat on the Maltese island of Gozo – wow, what a week!
It was great to connect up again with our great team out there – our master juicer and house manager Leigh Holmes – who is also a great musician and entertained us all beautifully with his songs and guitar on the last night – do previous retreaters remember ‘Today’s the best day’?
Great song and great message..definite contender as our retreat song, although Pharrell Williams’ Happy song also played its part in helping us along..
Leigh was ably assisted by the inimitable Emanuele – who also drove us around on our excursions to some of the islands special places – and who proved to also be a great singer – the next Maltese tenor? And of course our gorgeous yoga teacher, tour guide to secret places, also a lovely singer, Edel McGreal. Big thanks to all of you!
Our biomedic consultant, the incredibly knowledgeable Beverley McGowan, was on hand to advise people on their route to a balanced system, assisted by therapist Elizabeth Wilson. Beverley’s talk on energy medicine helped paint the bigger picture of how science is now discovering why and how many of the energy therapies actually work, taking the ‘woo-woo’ out of healing.
The retreat itself went beyond nutrition to show that tools like meditation, exercise, visualization, emotional intelligence and mental attitude all contribute to health and happiness. But the best thing about the retreat was of course the people who came. We had a great group who were ready to give juice fasting a try – and everything else! And it was wonderful to see what they could achieve – someone’s longstanding nagging back pain disappeared, someone else found the need for blood pressure pills was removed whilst on the retreat, people lost 4-5 lbs over the 5 day fast, and everyone felt clear, happy and more at peace with themselves – and are committed to keeping up some of the good work on their return. See some of their testimonials and videos on You Tube…thanks guys and keep it up! Join us on our next retreat in Gozo
Posted on August 11th, 2020
Posted on June 12th, 2020
Posted on May 26th, 2020
Posted on April 1st, 2020
Posted on March 4th, 2020
Posted on November 22nd, 2019
Posted on November 12th, 2019
Posted on November 12th, 2019