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Mystic Malta

Posted on September 22nd, 2015

Malta and Gozo could be called the land of the temples.  There are over 50 prehistoric temples, including 8 major sites, on the cliffs and highlands – possibly the largest concentration in the world.  And there are believed to be more below the sea.  So the question arises, why so many on such a small island?

The conclusion that Malta was once much larger and subjected to a major flood, is backed up by the geology, which is marked by ravines and other water-force-formed features which the present day size of the land could not generate.  This evidence, along with much more research, put together and published by The Prehistoric Society of Malta as ‘Malta – Echoes of Plato’s Island’ in 2001‘ makes a convincing case linking Malta to the island of Atlantis as described by Plato.

Many of the sites now show little more than a few stones, but others like Gigantia (pictured above) on Gozo are as majestic as Stonehenge and perhaps  more mysterious.  Claims as to their age differIMG_3413 – they may be as old – or older – as 8,000BC, which would make them pre-date both the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations, links to which are also being studied. Many of the more esoteric theories and beliefs have been put together in a fascinating book by former priest and charity CEO Francis Xavier Aloisio. ‘Islands of Dream – The Temples of Malta – Hidden Mysteries Revealed‘ takes the form of a novel in which an other-worldly visitor describes to an ordinary Maltese couple the true nature of the temples, the Goddess Culture, the use of electro-magnetic grids by the temple builders,  and  more.

The book goes as far as to say that Isis, who was Queen of Atlantis, ruled her kingdom, of which Malta was the Tenth City, from  the capital mound of Victoria, Gozo, the site of the current Cathedral, and the Citadel. The book also says that Malta was known as M’lita in ancient Egypt, meaning The Place of Large Stones. It was also called The Homeland of the Primeval Ones, and the Mansions of the Lord of the Earth.  And in Sanskrit means The Abode of Life or the Place of Magic. Read backwards, as Sanskrit often was , means ‘the pillar spiraling toward heaven’. In all, it makes a powerful argument that the three Maltese islands were central to the land of Atlantis- and a powerful portal of energy. They also abound with legends of giants.

Certainly when Robin and I holidayed on the island years ago we felt very conspicuous walking round the temples with dowsing rods. However , we didn’t care as it was so fascinating to find that the stones lined up with energy lines that seemed to connect with other landmarks. We were not knowledgeable enough to know what these were or meant, it is others who are now exploring and drawing their own conclusions. For us, the highlight of our connection to what was happening was on the evening of the summer solstice in 2012, which I have written about previously..

In April this year, we came across a small team of archaeologists working on another temple site, the other side of the village of Xaghra from Gigantia.  Funded as the Fragsus Project, from Belfast, Cambridge and Malta IMG_2754 IMG_2755 IMG_2757 Universities, they had dug around a couple of large upright stones and found the foundations of a building plan that was very similar to the floor plan of one of the Gigantia temples! Sadly this will all have been re buried for its protection, apart from the standing stones that were visible previously.

We are looking forward to doing some more exploring, and sensing for ourselves into the mysteries that still await to unfold on the very special island of Gozo on our next retreat.