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The Lock Down Lighten Up Retreat!

Posted on April 1st, 2020

NEW DATE SET!!  Thanks to the success of our recent launch of this retreat, we’re going to do another one!  Everyone loved the support, the connection with others, the use of daily themes and structure to bring purpose to the day during this time of restriction, and the opportunity to get healthy rather than sink into comfort habits….. So our next event will start on Monday Ist June.  Do join us!  Still on a donation only basis…. Places limited so do email now to reserve a slot…

I was really missing the biennial retreat we hold for detox and re-setting the system on the beautiful Maltese of Gozo – we have had to postpone our May retreat to October, and are keeping our fingers crossed for that…

I’m also aware that being shut in during lockdown can lead to bad eating habits – witness the fact that I was busy making cinnamon biscuits yesterday! And that’s despite knowing I could make healthier alternatives.. so I started applying my mind to a good alternative…

One thought led to another: well its not the same as a week in the Gozo sunshine, but while we can’t travel, we could be using the time to get healthy for when we are ‘allowed out’ again… So why not do the detox week here at home?  The moment I reached that conclusion, I had an email offering training in doing your retreat online!  So, armed with that information, we ran our first week.  And everyone loved it!! And the sun shone for us too!!

In addition to the donation, people would need to buy just a few detox items and supplements/superfoods, and the basic foodstuffs, fresh as much as possible.  And that’s it!

This ultimate home retreat is full of all the best practices, recipes and tips that we normally share on our retreats, which will include:

  1. Questionnaire to determine your personal health symptoms, acute and chronic, that need attention
  2. A daily menu plan – and a set of recipes and practises to keep
  3. A shortlist of supplements, probiotics, and items needed
  4. A daily programme – designed to be manageable if you are working, with extra suggestions if you are not
  5. A twice daily Zoom call to tune into the group, plus a series of advice sessions to keep you lightening up!
  6. Optional sessions of remote colour light healing transmission, one-to-one psychotherapy, and spiritual counselling
  7. Daily inspiration
  8. A daily music track or healing frequency

Are you up for it?

Email me now on

Rather than charge our usual hundreds of £££s for an expensive venue, we are offering all this for a donation of what you feel you’d like to contribute… I am very aware that some of those most needing support are therapists who can’t access government help and whose practise has been seriously affected.  On the other hand, others are ‘in furlough’ or still working and able to afford a supportive donation to our work (£75 for the week suggested donation, if you can afford it.  No judgement if not, the amount entirely up to you).  Send it to