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7 Herbs of the Month!

Posted on October 24th, 2016

This month I am highlighting not just one herb but seven herbs! That is because in the build up to winter we need to be building our immunity and topping up our phytonutrients to keep us healthy through the dark and damp days before summer rolls round again…

As legislation makes it impossible to make health claims for herbs on the RandR website, we are limited in saying much about them there …. But in a blog about personal experience, and the thousands of years of mankind’s use of herbs medicinally (and indeed not just humans… there is plenty of evidence that animals in the wild know a thing or two about which leaves and grasses they need ..) I feel a bit more free to share…. And also to recommend to you the article that Beverley Rimmer of the A-Team put together on herbs and herb teas… how to make them and what and when you might take them…

So please do the research and check out these superherbs might assist you – all super heroes …:

  1. Saw Palmetto (traditional use for thyroid, prostate, urinary tract),
  2. Liquorice (traditional use for throat and lungs),
  3. Ginkgo Biloba (traditional use for memory and cognitive function, better oxygen delivery through the blood, antioxidants)
  4. Valerian (think sleep)
  5. Thyme (think coughs)
  6. Chamomile (think calm)
  7. Lavender (think relaxation, peacefulness)

Treat these medicinal herbs with respect – we are inclined to think of pharmaceutical drugs as powerful and herbs as a sort of old wives’ recipe to make you feel better but really pretty weak – DON’T BELIEVE IT! These are the REAL deal – the drugs are more of a photocopy of the real thing..

So do give making real herb teas a try – make them delicious with a touch of honey or coconut nectar if you need to…. And take it easy, test out your reactions with them before indulging too much…. Ideally use a proper herbalist or hair analysis to check out what you need and when…

And if you find that you need to use them for a particular imbalance, then you can also take them as a supplement – all of the above are available as an organic capsule from Fushi on the R&R website – and you can break the capsule open and sprinkle it on a warm drink or smoothie if you prefer…. Saw Palmetto , Liquorice,  Valerian. Ginkgo  Thyme  All on sale now at a special price of  £9.99

And some of them come in a more concentrated form like Lamberts’ Extra Strength Ginkgo Biloba….

And here’s a little recipe for warding off coughs and sore throats:

Stir in to a cup of hot (preferably alkalised) spring water:

  • 1 tsp of dehydrated grated orange peel
  • some grated fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp Colloidal Silver
  • 1 heaped tsp Manuka honey
  • 1 tsp bee pollen
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon (the veru or ceylonicum variety) or some grated from a cinnamon stick
  • A drop of Crystal Energy or Tachyonised Water